Sunday, May 30, 2010
Larger Landscape Paintings
I was pleased to do these 2 larger paintings (22" x 30")....I don't always have that much time....more are likely coming this summer. As well, I plan on doing more oil paintings on panel this summer.
Another idea I've been playing with for a long while is buying an Epson printer and making 8" x 10" prints with archival inks and paper, giving people a chance to get the images even more cheaply. I still have to do some thinking about this but I like the idea....
Saturday, May 22, 2010
First Green
I managed to paint some larger pictures at school over the last while. I used them as demonstration pieces for students....they seem to quieten down and perhaps pay more attention when they see me engrossed in a painting problem of my own. I am still keeping them there on display for the kids, but I'll bring them home soon.
Not surprisingly, my methods don't really change from the larger (22" x 30") pieces to the smaller pieces. Everything I do remains a one-sitting might be an hour or it might be 3 hours work, but it has to get done in one sitting and the sense of flow needs to be felt in the process and evident in the looking.
It used to be this way when I was making larger 4 x 6 foot canvases as well, except then I was painting at night.....and it would take from about 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to finish the thing.