
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pasture Hill

I walk by this pasture hill almost immediately after leaving my place. Often cows will graze right on to the top of the clearing. It's a mysterious place. The forest comes in thick very quickly, and gives the impression of proceeding on for miles. There is a path that cuts through, but the forest is also quite wild....lots of coyote chorus from this area at night.

A little 15 second sketch done on the paper that I always keep in my breast pocket for just such never know when you will see something that asks to be painted. The pen sketch was done after coming home from work, about an hour before the early darkness falls, and there wasn't time to do the painting until next day after I finished teaching classes. I was working on the piece in the studio while an AP drawing student was completing works for the design piece outlined a few posts back.

Acrylic collage painting on paper, 10" x 8", listed on Etsy.

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