
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lake Ontario, February 8

5.75" x 7.25", acrylic collage on paper.

Made as a demonstration piece for some AP students. I took my lunch hour to drive along the lake, made a very brief pencil diagram of this composition, and completed the collage and painting stage in the studio.

The time lag between making the collage papers and actually using them in paintings continues to fascinate me. Here, I notice the slight resist in the sky caused by the blue over an existing dry layer of glue. All studio papers are kept for reuse....there is no telling what will be useful. Spoken like a true packrat, I know, but in this piece you can actually see how so called rubbish is transformed.


  1. Harry, I love your tiny paintings! So inspiring, and so original! I've been a long time fan, and admirer of your wonderful work! I would love to know how you frame your paintings. Would you mind sharing some of your framed work, along with possible resources for frames? Thank you a million times!

  2. Hi Nancy. Thanks very much! One of the reasons I like selling online is that I don't have to worry about frames at all....most people want them unframed, perhaps because shipping is way cheaper, or perhaps because they have their own ideas on framing. I love standard museum acid free white matte....3 or 4 inches all sides, with ash or other blonde narrow hardwood frame. When I showed a lot, I often used a method of floating the picture within a narrow strip frame. The pictures I sent to Nahcotta recently were simply framed with narrow pine on cradled wood panels. I'll take a few pictures when some come back later. I love seeing the work simply and properly framed, but it can get so expensive doing a lot of it.
