
Saturday, March 28, 2009

3 Images, 1 Session

Yesterday's work....3 little images each measuring 4" x 4". Going to an even smaller size is sometimes helpful. Sometimes a motif is just a whispering, and there are so many of them!.....'look how these 2 patches of snow line up with each way behind this big one in front....way smaller...but dead center...framed in the yellow ground.' There will be something about such an arrangement that is noteworthy. Making some small things like this helps me to remember that such noticings are important.


  1. I really like your work Harry and thanks for the link too!

  2. I really like your work and your reference to noticings (is that even a word?) There are lots of reasons to work on several small things at the same time.

  3. Thanks Sandra and Charlene. Charlene, I think I'm a makeitupasigoalonger....
