Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wendy's Hill, January 1

click here to view or purchase new Stooshinoff works.

...looking toward Wendy's Hill, the highest feature near me....late afternoon of the first day of the new year! The view is a bit elusive and takes some careful positioning....a few steps in either direction and the hill disappears. Acrylic on archival paper, 9.5 x 7.5 inches.


  1. Love your work Harry, and your ethos. Very inspiring. May I ask a question please? Some work you prime, others not. Is it a pink undertone, if yes then why pink? I'm curious I suppose because we virtually don't have snow here in Australia and your landscape scenes are so unfamiliar. I'm interested in your processes and techniques ie what can I steal! Cheers, Gary

  2. Hi Gary. When I say unprimed, I mean I have not coated the paper with gesso. Doing this is largely a matter of personal preference. Gesso will prevent the paint from soaking into the paper. Recently, I have been enjoyed using paper that is not gessoed. But, I DO underpaint, and this is usually to create unity, and to offer more contrast and energy between colours. I often undercoat with a pink, or a brownish tone. This is because the colours on top will be predominantly cool...blues and a warm colour offers a sublte contrast to this, giving more energy to the colour system.

  3. The undercoat is just a very quick layer of acrylic wash laid down...I might wait 5 minutes before I paint on top of it.

    1. Brilliant, thanks very much Harry. The warm/cool thing is terrific and as we're in the middle of a blazing hot summer right now I have some experimenting to do. Cheers, Gary
