
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Come for a Walk

I'm never cold when I venture out on my daily walks, no matter how cold it gets. The ski pants and the hood help, as does dressing in layers. I'm seldom out for more than 2 hours, but I'd be warm for a lot longer than that. Stopping to make drawings is not a problem (I do remove gloves, and sometimes remove hood and hat when I get too hot).We're into the latter part of January now so this is the very coldest part of the year, but in the last number of years I've made friends with the cold...and it now seems that this is the time of year when I make the most paintings. At the moment the snow is too deep to walk for very long off the beaten trail, but if I follow some snow shoe paths, or pick wind-swept areas,  I'm all right.

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