
Saturday, January 16, 2016


....remembering my first home, a farm in eastern Saskatchewan. Although life there was sometimes frightening and uncertain, it was also full of natural wonder for a little boy. We left when I was 8. During the last evening there, I climbed on the machine shed roof and looked slowly and carefully in all directions....saying good-bye to every single thing I could see...

We moved to the town which was 5 miles away. It was very difficult to do without trees, bushes, and wild things. For ever after, I was always looking at distant stands of trees....wishing I could be there.

Wild places on the prairies were very special. I remember so many things tied to locations, weather, the time of year, the animals and insects around. I remember one of my favourite things to do was climb a big aspen tree in the summer and listen to the leaves. I'd stay up there for a long time....just listening and looking around.

Acrylic collage painting on Stonehenge paper 10 x 13 inches, image size 8.75 x 10 inches.  

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