
Monday, June 26, 2017

To Lake Ontario, On Location, June 25

To Lake Ontario

Painted from the front seat of may car.

 a very beautiful and gently unsettled started off almost perfectly clear, but within 20 minutes came a variety of quick showers. The sky was repainted right at the end. Acrylic, pencil, on thin gessoed panel 7.75 x 8 inches. I always like the idea that every single little touch is important...there is an energy to the quality of mark that often shouldn't be tampered with. I like that the lowest part of the grey cloud is the first big brushstroke that went in...and it wasn't touched afterward....

I like this day I walked right around the whole field. just north of Port Hope, Ontario...above the lake, the land is hilly and beautiful. Here, I'm about 2 minutes north of Garden Hill.

 Visit me here:


  1. Those dramatic clouds look real familiar, Harry, and you make the most of them. Thanks for showing the photo of the location. It's real helpful to see how you simplify and interpret the scene.

  2. Thanks, Donna. It all changes so quickly.....the cloud and effect I painted was pretty much gone or changed by the time the photo was taken....
