Friday, March 27, 2009

Wee Forest

I never know where these images are going to come from, but most come from looking into the landscape. Yesterday was a warm but overcast day. I walked deep into the forest...about an hour trek. It started raining about half way in...a very gentle, pleasant thing that didn't interfere at all. Returning home I stopped by the new forest before going in....the little bits of green are young evergreens peeking this stage you can't see them well in summer because they are so small. This planting is only about a year old...there's been a good amount of die-off due to drought, but this plot should survive and fill in nicely.

I liked the relationship of the yellow to the white, to the grey of the sky. It was important to have the little trees just hint....and I knew that they should be done close to the end.

The 1 minute reference drawing was done in the rain....bits of smeared ink...

Acrylic collage painting, 8.5" x 9.5", Listed on Etsy.

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